We are pleased to share that The Children’s School will continue operations as the Children’s School of Villanova University.
The Children’s School is a pre-school and kindergarten facility staffed by teachers certified in early childhood education.
Throughout the day, children are involved in a variety of developmentally engaging activities, such as storytelling, building, painting, and gardening. These and many other experiences provide children with opportunities to develop socially, cognitively, and physically as they make connections and develop tools to express themselves.
To learn more about our school, visit our Facebook page.
The Children’s School operates September through June, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, and offers programs for children ages two years, seven months (in September) through five years.
The Children’s School offers a full-day kindergarten program. In addition to the opportunities for cooperative play available within the learning community, kindergartners extend their learning through mathematical explorations, long-term science projects, and developmentally geared experiences designed to facilitate their reading and writing skills.
We provide nutritious snacks, often prepared by the children themselves. We encourage rest time for children who stay for the afternoon.
Tuition for the 23/24 academic school year is broken into 10 monthly payments for your convenience. We offer flexible programming ranging from 2 half days through 5 full days.
- Three half-days: $432.90 per month ($4,329 annually)
- Five half-days: $628.90 per month ($6,289 annually)
- Five full-days: $999.70 per month ($9,997 annually)
Calendar for 2024-2025
- 26: Parent Orientation Meeting (6:30-8:00 PM)
- 27: Parent/student visit (10:00-11:30)—A-L;
Parent/student visit (12:30-2:00)—M-Z
- 3: First Day of School
- TBA : Picture Days
- 3: Holiday (no school for students)
- 31: Halloween Activities
- 1: Holiday (no school for students)
- 26: 11:45 Dismissal for all students/Professional Development
- 27–29: Thanksgiving Recess (school closed)
- 2: Parent/Teacher Conferences (no school for students)
- 20: 11:45 Dismissal for all students
- 23–31: Winter Recess (school closed)
- 1: Holiday (no school for students)
- 2: School reopens from Winter Recess
- 20: Martin Luther King Day (no school for students)
- 17: President’s Day Recess (no school for students)
- 14–21: Spring Recess (school closed)
- 26: Memorial Day (school closed)
- 12: Last Day for Students—11:45 dismissal for all students
Accreditation Information
The Children’s School is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).
This accreditation is a distinction granted to pre-schools and early-learning centers nationwide who have demonstrated high-quality programs.
The Children’s School is one of the first programs in the country to earn the mark of quality represented by the reinvented NAEYC accreditation system.
Programs are reassessed every five years to ensure that this strong commitment to early childhood education is maintained. Theoretical framework is endorsed by our licensing organization, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE).
The extensive licensing process addresses all aspects of programming, from curriculum and staff to health and safety, to scheduling, and more. This process includes an on-site visit.
Programs are re-evaluated every year to ensure that a strong commitment to high-quality early childhood education is maintained and the State Standards are met.